
Showing posts from September, 2022

Believe in yourself everyday🗣💝

Believe in yourself everyday🗣💝 - Never underestimate the power of believing in yourself everyday. 🗣 Believe in yourself every day, and always know that there are no limits to what you can achieve. A lot of people here are always doubting themselves. Let me tell you one fact,  "If you ever for one day doubt yourself then success will not attract you". Success is a thing of the mind 💯. Once you think about it, it starts to manifest immediately. Do not doubt yourself anymore. Believe you can achieve great things.  Always be positive at all times. It's only then you see yourself achieve great exploits. I welcome all of you here and wish you lots of luck in your life.  All the best Guys___In everything 💯💯✊✊ # Spread the message   Comment Down Below

How to study without getting bored. IF YOU'RE A MATRIC PLEASE DO NOT LET THIS SKIP YOU.

HOW TO STUDY WITHOUT GETTING BORED ~Evimutendi Do you guys remember that I told ya that I was once matric? That was in 2021 . I liked it, and I miss those days. One thing I know about studying is that it can be tiring sometimes, but this doesn't mean that you should give up or stop⛔ studying. Hell No, of course, studying makes you attain the knowledge you need for the exams, therefore delaying or stopping to study is not gonna help you with anything. Guys my heart is beating for you, more especially for those who aren't taking their education seriously. Hey man!! and you young lady get yourself up and go to your study room and do what is needed. How does it feel to receive an outstanding certificate or statement through the end year? Just imagine yourself getting the following message in January saying ' We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to study for a Bachelor of....' Whatever the program of your dream . That's all that we want ri

Every matric should read this!!!__I did not know where to pick nor lay but here I am(__By Kearabilwe Happiness Makotoko)

I did not know where to pick nor lay but here I am after going through the worst... Full names:Kearabilwe Happiness Surname:Makotoko  Preferred or designated name :Keah the 1st lady Aged :18 years old  Living in Moeka Ville in Pretoria I'm doing matric  In Ithuteng commercial high school  Hobbies:reading,creative writing , singing and baking K.H Makotoko  I did  not know where to pick nor lay but here I am after going through the worst but who doesn't?! I guess life requires whatever you got to get a clear vision of its understanding. Doing matric after 12 years of being hit by the rain, brewed by the sun, and shaken by winds though I did not see this coming it frequently changed into a bolt out the blue until I find a definite time to reminisce.  I used to do a lot on my own until I realized how significant it is to get in touch with others then I explored the astonishing side of me. I remember crying for not understanding and being able to cope. That was when I saw a necessit

What you should do to improve the way you speak English- fluently with confident

Tips to speak English Fluently & Confidently 1 Read out loud & talk to yourself 2 Listen to more English every day 3 Watch English movies with subtitles 4 Speak spontaneously, but slowly 5 Relax and have a positive attitude 6 Learn and study phrases, not words 7 Slow and deep learning is best 8 Use real English lessons & material 9 Don't study too much grammar 10 Don't be afraid of making mistakes 11 Don't compare your English with others 12 Read a lot

Nguse Olwethu From KwaZulu-Natal wishes the matrics for the best in their trial exams

A young lady from KwaZulu-Natal called Nguse Olwethu, took her time to wish the matrics for the best in their trial exam. She also wrote a powerful message that any matrics should read.  Her Message is as follows: 'Dear matriculants, you are near the end rope now. Remember one thing that, your future is in your hands. There's no time for games now, it is about you and your career now. Think about the career that you want and work on it, remember your home first before playing. You are about to score the goal now, so don't let anything to hold you back. Keep on pushing by working hard and smart. You.... Yes you, you are a hero, you are the next generation that is going to lead the country. We have our hopes in you, keep on praying to God for help. Remember, if you are praying but not studying nothing will happen for you. God helps those who help themselves. The year is over now and it is all up to you to make sure that you achieve and fulfill all your dreams. Goo

November National Senior Certificate Examination CountDown

NSC EXAM COUNTDOWN Remember the final examinations are knocking so soon. This is the time that one takes every minute for importance.  Do not sit with your mind. Use your mind wisely as you head toward the exams. Take your Education seriously.  The image was taken from: PLEASE🙏🏿 FOLLOW FOR MORE UPDATES. 👇🏿 Follow 👇

Timetable as you prepare for the final exam💯 📝. 12+years at school is a joke

What you should know as you head towards your exams .  Firstly, exams are not for jokes. The exam that you gonna start to write on the 31st of October up until the 7th of December is vital. Therefore they should be taken seriously. Anyone wants to be accepted at the university of their dream, but failing to pass or pass with low grades might make one lose the space they needed. Remember most Universities consider you after seeing your results. They start accepting students with good results to the ones with poor results. This shouldn't scare you if you prepare yourself thoroughly for these exams. Keep in mind that I also wrote the final exams in 2021. I want to tell you this, nothing develops while you're doing nothing√. It's very best 🌟 if you start working in time. Prepare yourself and work very hard now.  Working hard Most people say work hard. This is true but you should also remember that working hard in a smart way pays more. What I mean is that whenever you're s

2022 November NSC Exam Timetable

The National Senior Certificate timetable is out!!! Did you know that the national senior certificate timetable is released more early before it's written? For this year,  2022 the Timetable has already been published.  It's very important to know and have your timetable before you write as it keeps you aroused of what you gonna write. This timetable makes you know what to write on your Study timetable when preparing for the final exams.  This year the national senior certificate examinations start on the 31st of October to the 7th of December. English is the first subject to be written See below!!! For your timetable,  click below to download! 2022 November NSC Exam Timetable P lease press here to Follow  us

7 powerful steps to positive thinking

7 powerful ways to positive thinking  1. Seek to focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want: A mistake we tend to make when we’re faced with a problem is to think and talk about it all the time - instead of focusing our thinking on what we want instead. 2. Recognise that every problem comes with a lesson: There’s a lesson to be learned from all that happens to us. We can become a better person - even when things have gone wrong. 3. Don’t believe everything you think: Our problems aren’t as big as the mind tries to convince us. Don’t believe all those negative and self-defeating thoughts. 4. Choose to be grateful in everything: Although it’s hard to be grateful when things are going wrong, we can usually find something we can be grateful for - and the more we choose gratitude, the happier we’ll feel. 5. Let go of your need for perfection: If you try to be perfect in everything you do, you will always feel you’re failing, and you’ll live with constant s

University of South Africa(UNISA) online applications are opened.

Hey there, Do you know that the University of South Africa has just opened its online applications? The University of South Africa opened its online application on the first day of September. UNISA offers many extremely useful programs.  List of courses offered at UNISA.  Accounting Studies Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Economic and Management Sciences Education Human Sciences Law. Science, Engineering and Technology. Don't forget that UNISA online applications close on the 14 of October. Follow the link below to apply!!! University of South Africa   P lease press here to Follow  us