How to study without getting bored. IF YOU'RE A MATRIC PLEASE DO NOT LET THIS SKIP YOU.



Do you guys remember that I told ya that I was once matric? That was in 2021. I liked it, and I miss those days. One thing I know about studying is that it can be tiring sometimes, but this doesn't mean that you should give up or stop⛔ studying. Hell No, of course, studying makes you attain the knowledge you need for the exams, therefore delaying or stopping to study is not gonna help you with anything. Guys my heart is beating for you, more especially for those who aren't taking their education seriously. Hey man!! and you young lady get yourself up and go to your study room and do what is needed. How does it feel to receive an outstanding certificate or statement through the end year? Just imagine yourself getting the following message in January saying 'We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to study for a Bachelor of....' Whatever the program of your dream. That's all that we want right? To me, that's what I got. What dear? It's hard work man. Hard work pays man. It does. But I always tell people to work hard but in a smart way. Do you get me? If you don't press here STUDYING HARD IN A SMART WAY  and get what I'm talking about. Enough with the message__🚩🚩 please follow us for more, and I promise you we will keep on updating you with important stuff only. 

Now let's get to the topic. Yes, I'm not crazy bro, it's true you can study without getting bored. But how?? Let's go down together...

  • The first thing one should take for primacy(importance) when he or she starts to read is to pray. I'm not ashamed to say this, I used this method. Every time I started to face my books 📚 during my study time. I prayed, Yes I did. Praying to God to help you to keep what you read or to give you the strength to finish the chapter that you're studying is very helpful. Not only that praying helps with that. Praying before studying can boost your energy and the spirit of confidence for you to study hard and seriously. Getting your confidence boosted reduces boredom when you start to face your books 📚. 

  • Another vital thing you should know about studying is that everything is controlled by our mind. Delete the state or spirit of being lazy in your mind. Hey 🗣hey hey🗣 I'm gonna study tomorrow! 🗣what!🗣. My brother and sister please avoid procrastinating. that Ain't gonna help you with anything it will make your work to be at rest all the time. So dear plan your stuff, check how I made my timetable HOW I CREATED MY TIMETABLE. The spirit of studying should pose you.
  • Another thing that other people use is Music. They say music helps them to be concentrated. remember if this doesn't work for you there's no need to force yourself into it. Dwell on what works for you.
  •  DO YOU HAVE FRIENDS? OR ANY STUDY BUDDIE WHO YOU CAN STUDY WITH? If yes then you should probably organize to study together. studying with someone keeps you both away from getting bored. you can make a challenge or problem and try to come out with a solution together. I advise you to study with a person who is determined and serious. somebody who is there not to destroy or disturb you to become worse.
  • Let me tell you something I noticed or discovered about studying. Do you know that sometimes it gets boring to study even if you want to? Sometimes the problem could be the place that you are studying in. what I mean is that studying in the same room all the time is worse and more boring, do you know that? to prevent or avoid this you should change the place or area where you study all the time. try studying somewhere else it could be a kitchen, outside, garage, or anywhere you will feel prosperous while studying. 
  • try to study in a neat area. remember cleanliness is next to godliness. yes!! it's true. not only that, but studying in a smart or clean area makes you feel more comfortable with what you're doing. so make sure you clean and organize everything you need at that moment. also, make sure that you have all the necessary items or materials for your studies. all this will make you love what you're doing. the stage of boredom is likely to be reduced. 

  • Another way that I used for myself was to study while acting like I was a teacher using the small chalkboard I had. have you ever wondered why most teachers get something quickly into their minds? maybe it's because they teach that something. why can't you try it also at home during your studies while you're busy acting like you're teaching your friend or classmate? it's fun you should try it. even if it, 's not a board try to write on your book. the stage of boredom while doing this can be terminated 


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